The Divine Show 0

The Pilot


“Welcome! Welcome one and all to the grand opening of this glorious show of mine! I am your vivacious host, Lady Divinity. And today on my pilot of The Divine Show–An astounding name, I know–I’ll be taking you through a story that I hold close to my heart. Let me explain.”

Ambitious detective Sherry Jackal and her mysterious guardian, Bynel Jinsin, are struggling to deal with the loss of Sherry’s father, Damian. 

Much to Sherry’s surprise, she is given an opportunity to get all the answers she and Bynel have ever wanted from someone claiming to be a member of The Blessed. From Bynel’s past to Sherry’s questions about magic, the offer at first seems too good to be true, especially considering the illegality of magic in the continent of Grandour.

But when the stranger decides to make a personal visit, Sherry and Bynel must decide whether their claims about bettering the world through magic and preventing the summoning of an eldritch entity are true and worth the risk of ending their simplistic life.

“The Pilot” is a fast-paced fantasy novel and your gate-of-entry into the memorable cast of characters that make up The Divine Show.